Minimum Wage Increase Schedule – Employee/Staffing Shortages
Minimum Wage in Florida
During conversations with 3 business owners this past week, one common point or expectation made by some their applicants was the misunderstanding the minimum wage has already increased to $15, which was still less than they were receiving with the increased unemployment benefits. Also mentioned was the misconception that all wages have increase proportionately for non-minimum wage positions, so the 2 points lead at least one business owners to double check whether or not he was the one that actually misunderstood.
Below is the schedule for minimum wage bumps in Florida. (sourced from
Effective Date Florida Minimum Wage Tipped Employees
Current (effective 1-1-2021) $ 8.65 per hour $ 5.63/hr plus tips
September 30, 2021 $10.00 $ 6.98
September 30, 2022 $11.00 $ 7.98
September 30, 2023 $12.00 $ 8.98
September 30, 2024 $13.00 $ 9.98
September 30, 2025 $14.00 $10.98
September 30, 2026 $15.00 $11.98
Beginning on September 30, 2027, and thereafter, the minimum wage rate will be adjusted annually by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity based on changes to the CPI (Consumer Price Index)
Employee Shortage/ Hiring Difficulty
The staffing issue, or the lack thereof, has negatively affected all types of businesses in their efforts to return to a sense of normalcy coming out of the pandemic. Many industries, especially small businesses, are still struggling to become fully staffed once again, with construction, trades, hospitality, and restaurants seeming to feel the effects most.
Many Florida business owners expected a rush in applicants after the Federally funded extended unemployment ceased in late June, but applicant volumes are unfortunately falling well short of expectations. Unemployment numbers are still high, despite a record number of job openings across the nation. Fear of catching COVID, cost and availability of daycare, and expanded unemployment benefits are all factors that have contributed to the slow pace of return to work.
As with nearly everything supply and demand based, employees are currently able to be more selective where they work. Big Business has the immediate upper hand on Small Business, simply because they have deeper pockets to throw more money than small business is able to. This doesn’t have to be anything other than a temporary advantage or disadvantage depending on your seat. Small business may also counter with increased wage, if justified, but for the long term, finding out what is most important to their current prospective employees. Wages seem to be top on the list, with Benefits following closely behind. Culture, Advancement Opportunities, Specialized Training or Apprenticeships), Schedule Flexibility, on-site Day Care, Transportation, and Work Environment, have all been mentioned as important factors. We welcome your feedback and suggestions on ways we can help you and your business.
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