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What’s here…
Here we’ve compiled a collection of some commonly required web sites that have additional resources that may be handy for employees and employers. (The information presented on these sites is not managed by Prosperity PEO).
Need more help? Contact us for further assistance.
State vs Federal FLSA Requirements
- State payday requirements
- FLSA Handy Reference Guide
- Current State Minimum Wage Rates
- Min Rest Period Reqmnts/ State Law -Adult Employees -Private Sector
- Meal Period Required St Law -Adult Employees – Private Sector
- Min hrly cash wage -tipped employees -State minimum wage laws
- Dollar threshold amt -contract coverage -State prevailing wage laws
- State child labor laws applicable to agricultural employment
- State regulation of door-to-door sales by minors
- Employment/Age Cert Issuance Practice -St Child Labor Laws & Programs